Has anyone noticed their S24 Ultra's battery life getting worse after the latest update?

My battery drops 2-3% every minute, even with no background apps running. I use YouTube a lot, but I’m only getting about 5 hours and 30 minutes of screen-on time.


Try doing a cache partition wipe.

I haven’t done it yet on my S23U, but my battery life has significantly improved. Sometimes, I get over an hour of usage per 10% battery. My screen-on time is around 8-9 hours with a full day’s usage, though it’s much worse when using mobile data instead of WiFi.


I did notice a slight drop in my battery life, but it’s hard to tell since my usage has also increased a bit since the update.


Which update are you referring to? I haven’t noticed any changes yet. I was using maximum protection before, but I recently switched to charging my phone up to 90%, and I think that’s better? :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:


I thought I had turned off auto-update, but it still installed in the middle of the night. Time will tell what the effects are.

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Try clearing the cache and see if that helps. Also, clear the caches for Google and Google Play, as that can sometimes cause problems.

For me, my battery life feels just as good or even better than before the update.

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