Anyone else remember the Note7 explosion stories?

I was just thinking about how the Note7 had so many problems. Some wild stories about it catching fire or even exploding in mid-air… Have you heard any crazy incidents?

Looks like they confused the biohazard symbol with the radioactive one.

Ellery said:
Looks like they confused the biohazard symbol with the radioactive one.

Note 7 was famous for exploding in mid-air. That phone was such a disaster, they had to recall it completely.

I don’t think there was ever a case of a Note 7 exploding on a plane, but they were banned before that could even happen.

I work in telecom (just check my comments, you’ll figure it out). We had a whole room just for storing them. What a nightmare.

The Note7 was basically a bomb. Hard to believe it was only 7 generations ago.

What do you think about the Note FE, a Note7 with a different battery, or even the Chinese version of the Note7? If you can show they aren’t any more dangerous than other phones, maybe they wouldn’t be a problem on planes?