Battery life getting better on S24?

I posted a couple of weeks ago about terrible battery life on the S24, and a few people suggested giving it some time to settle. Now, after a week or two, I can say the battery drain has definitely improved. I think it was probably all the background tasks that were running, like updates or downloads. I noticed T-Mobile was pushing updates for a few days, and Samsung kept sending pop-ups asking me to customize this or that. If you’re seeing crazy battery drain when you first get your S24, just give it a week or two, and it should get better.

If you check the battery settings on a new phone, you’ll usually see an option that says ‘learning usage patterns’ for the first couple of weeks. This helps the phone optimize battery use by tracking things like when you use certain apps, how often you get notifications, and how long those apps stay open. After a couple of weeks, your phone should manage battery and system settings based on your habits.

What battery settings are you using? I’m 5 months in on my S24 (US) and the battery is still awful. I tried power saving mode, but it didn’t make a difference. I don’t see any apps draining the battery other than the ones I’m using.

Do you have a screenshot of your battery usage history? That might help figure out what’s going on.

Madden said:
Do you have a screenshot of your battery usage history? That might help figure out what’s going on.

No screenshot, but the battery usage is pretty standard. It shows the two apps I used today, with only about 1% battery usage for Google services. I plugged it in around noon after about 4 hours of screen time since midnight. That seems about right since I played for about two hours last night and used the phone intermittently this morning. The apps I used show 12% and 8% of battery use since midnight (24 hours ago). Google services are at 0.4%. My old Motorola phone with a 5000mAh battery had similar battery life with 75% battery health. I think the 4000mAh battery on this phone just isn’t great.

The only things I’ve done are turning off Bluetooth when I’m not using it and disabling location tracking for apps that don’t really need it.

I’ve heard that the Samsung S24 Ultra slows down after a few days. Should I still get it?