Anyone else hearing weird high pitched noise from their phone?

I was watching TV when suddenly a loud high frequency sound started. At first, I thought it was from the video, but even after muting it, the noise didn’t stop. I checked every room, and although it seemed quieter in other areas, it was still really loud. When I returned to the living room, it was even louder. I got so frustrated that I turned off all the electricity in my apartment, but the sound persisted!

Then, I decided to go outside the apartment and even to the street, but the sound was still really loud. I couldn’t believe it; I thought I was losing my mind. It definitely wasn’t just in my head because the volume decreased when I plugged my ears.

After that, I called the building owner and noticed the sound got louder again. I thought maybe it was my phone! I held the phone to my ears, and sure enough, it was coming from there! Nothing was playing, so I rebooted it, and the sound went away.

To clarify, when I noticed the quieter sound in other rooms, it was because I had left my phone in the living room. The strange part is that the sound was so high-pitched I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. How can a phone make a noise that loud?

What could be causing this? Has anyone experienced something like this?

Were you charging your phone when this happened? Chargers can emit high frequencies that some people hear while others can’t.

Nyx said:
Were you charging your phone when this happened? Chargers can emit high frequencies that some people hear while others can’t.

I notice this often too, especially with wireless chargers. My partner had one that was so noisy I made him get rid of it.

I sometimes hear that sound too. I can even hear bats flying around before I see them.

Did you get a free sim card from a mysterious billionaire?

Jess said:
Did you get a free sim card from a mysterious billionaire?

I got the Kingsman reference!

Smart switches might emit high frequency sounds to send signals. Maybe a glitch triggered this. Some sleep apps also use ultrasound to track breathing. You might be young enough to hear this sound, but a glitch could explain why it was so loud. Usually, these sounds are quiet because they are controlled by hardware.

In Korea, Samsung phones make sounds for government disaster notifications. Did you not receive any notifications?

Following this, I wouldn’t be shocked if sound is used for locating devices.


You should see a doctor; you might have tinnitus.

Dustin said:
You should see a doctor; you might have tinnitus.

Did you even read my post? The sound went away when I turned my phone off.

I’d be worried about your battery. Don’t keep it inside, and get it checked out right away. Don’t mail it.